I, one of the owners of the barn, felt that God wanted me to resurrect this 1921 barn for the purpose of spreading His word. I had a feeling come over me when the barn was starting to go back up that God had a purpose for me and this barn. I knew I wanted to have a revival of some sort but wasn’t sure how to go about it. So about a year or so had passed and my dad got really sick with Covid, a friend told me to contact Jim Keeter and have him pray for him. Jim then became a part in my dad’s healing process. We were visiting one day in the hospital and I told him of my feeling I had about doing a Revival in my pavilion. He shared a dream he had about participating in a revival and that’s where it started . He then asked Tommy Hayes to join us. I asked Cindy and Terrell to help put it together and for Terrell to pastor as well. With the help of Tommy’s volunteers and the Praise Team we were off to a good start. We had 2 water trough baptisms performed. Praise the Lord! Our first year was a success since none of us really knew what we were doing so we just let the Lord lead us.
The 2nd year the Keeter’s moved away to grow roses and their own ministry so Jason Banks joined us. We had a guest speaker, “The Cowboy Entrepreneur”, come give his testimony. Worship music was by Louada Raschke from Kerrville. We had 4 more people get baptized that year. Overall another 2 nights that we were able to share The Word, Worship, & Pray.
Our 3rd year is coming up quickly. I think this is going to be the most uplifting and Spirit Filled one yet!! Tommy Hayes is returning to lead us in Healing Prayers and Colby Friday, the Pastor at Willow City Church, is joining us this year to preach about restoring the presence of GOD and bring us back into relationship with the Father. This year’s Worship Music will be uplifting Country Christian by Award winning, Justin Todd Herod on Friday Evening and Justin Heflin and The Wild Ride Ministries Praise Team on Saturday Evening. Water Trough Baptism’s will also be available. We are so excited! We want to invite all of you to join us at the 3rd Annual Revival at the Barn, FBG.
We look forward to seeing you
Donna Mitchell, Owner of The Barn
Jesus did not only restore people to community, he taught people to do the same.
Jesus taught that when people gather, they should not just invite those who they know and who are like them. He told them to invite those who are “poor, crippled, lame, and blind”. Jesus said that if they do this then they will be blessed.